
One stop shop for your brand and business needs.
Check some of our previous work. This is the tip of the iceberg.

Things get more interesting we promise.

Award Winning Brand

Starting the hype with Falcon City Tennis Championship

Falcon City Tennis Champions Tour is the biggest sports event in the city. The client wants a brand that reflects the city’s identity and for sure highlight the game. The brand is then more empowered by the high contrast of using the ball’s flashing color directly against black background.


Website & Processes Design

Quantum Test Prep Digital Transformation

Quatum Test Prep is becoming the market lead in Gmat courses and other preparation courses for post graduate studies. With the new position comes the need to transform to digital solution. This is an example of how we used design to solve business problem and make internal processes 10x faster.

Brand Launch

Creating and launching Career Hunt brand

Career Hunt is an emerging and fast growing recruiting agency in Toronto, ON. They have a big data bank of professional candidates as well as a lot of vital connections with decision makers in the client side. CH as well offers its clients a customized service of finding the right candidate and following up even after hiring procedure.

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